LASIK is the most performed laser eye surgery, and for good reason. It has a long record of success and a rapid recovery time. However, not all vision issues are suitable for LASIK. The doctors at Mack Eye Center explain the kind of corrections LASIK surgery can make to your vision.
Formally known as myopia, nearsightedness occurs when close vision is good, but the patient cannot see well far away.
In myopia, either the length of the eyeball is too great, or the cornea is too steep. That means the light rays focusing on the retina – which converts the light into electric signals and forwards it to the brain – cause the images to blur.
LASIK works by flattening the cornea This allows light rays to focus on the retina for clear vision.
Patients with hyperopia, or farsightedness, can see objects at a distance clearly, but objects in close proximity are blurred. Either the lens or the cornea, and sometimes both, are to blame.
Normally, light focuses on the retina. With farsightedness, the light focuses on the area behind it.
LASIK can correct farsightedness caused by a misshapen cornea. The laser surgery reshapes the cornea so that light focuses on the retina instead of behind it. If the condition results from a lens issue, LASIK is not the treatment of choice.
An astigmatism is a refractive error. It is an imperfection in the curvature of the cornea that prevents light rays from properly bending. This results in blurring or distortion of objects both near and far.
LASIK can usually fix astigmatism permanently. The lasers reshape the cornea to make the front surface of the eye more symmetrical, correcting the astigmatism.
After the age of 40, most people will experience presbyopia, the loss of near vision. It’s a consequence of aging and is often referred to as “age-related farsightedness.” It’s the reason even those who enjoyed near-perfect vision must resort to reading glasses.
Some patients with presbyopia may benefit from LASIK monovision surgery. This involves correcting the dominant eye for distance and causing the less dominant eye to become a bit nearsighted. With eyes working together, presbyopia improves.
Contact Us
If you are considering LASIK surgery and want to know whether you are a candidate, contact Mack Eye Center today and schedule a consultation. Those who are not candidates for LASIK may find alternative surgeries can address their vision issues.